Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Blank Canvas.

Usually, when my students are finished with a test, I allow them to turn the test over and draw. Sometimes I'll ask them to write me a note about a specific subject. Once I asked for advice what I should bake for a party I was hosting. No matter what, the 'blank canvas' of the last sheet of a test usually proves to alluring not to christen with doodles for students who are finished early. 

Just yesterday my sixth grade Science class completed a test about cells and cell reproduction. They were given the instructions that they could turn the paper over and doodle on the back. My favorites by far are the following...

I like that the Mac computer is shining, in all it's glory. 
And yes, that's my name along the right hand side. This student has tried to forge my signature since fifth grade.   

 I think he still has work to do...don't you? :) 

 A plea from an older sister to know the placement of her younger sister for next year.

 High five! 

 Hello Little Shorts. 
(If you look closely, you'll notice that this behemoth even has hairy KNEES)
 So detailed! 

The only explanation for this one is that one of the answers on the test was 'sperm cells'. 
Perhaps these are happy sperm? Sad sperm? Determined sperm?