After graduating from college, starting a job, buying a car...I had visions of 'my place' where I could invite people over; have dinners, parties, movie nights. Also a place that people just stopped by on their way somewhere, because they knew where I lived and knew that my home would be welcoming. Since moving into the 'Casa Calma' (the name for our casita, since our street is La Calma), all of that has come true. The pinnacle of this dream though, came true on Monday. A group of Mexicans, teachers from Lincoln and various others gather on Monday nights for a dinner made by rotating chefs and in various locations. I have always wanted to host and cook for one of these events in my own home, which has been impossible until this year. This Monday, our house held upwards of 15 people and I was as happy as a clam in my mini kitchen stirring soup, flipping quesadillas and hearing the chatter of guests. Later that night we enjoyed the cool of the Guadalajara evening to sit outside and worship our Creator under the stars.
Have you ever read the Little House series by Laura Ingals Wilder? I read all of them by third grade, and loved them so much that I started calling my mom and dad, Ma and Pa! My favorite is Little House in the Big Woods and my favorite scene is when the whole family is together for Christmas. There isn't enough room to sit down, people sleep on the floor and in the barn, but good food is to be had. Laughter is heard long into the night. Pa plays his fiddle, everyone sings. Family, whether blood or found is cherished.
This is what I have longed for, and have finally found.
Comida in the casita???? And a book club to come... I LIVE LOVE...your house.